Easter cuties :-). Christ has Risen!

So I guess I am staying true to my style....either pouring with posts or complete desert....what's it been? 2 weeks? More? Well, I have not counted (not properly anyway....). I know it's been about that because Jamie has been away and I have not posted since he's been away....and I also have not done much in the realms of craft....lost my mojo a few weeks back and I have not been able to find it....just snippets of it :-)

Well, during those snippets that were found, here is what I made:

These invites were made for my really good friend Tin who is having an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. She loves a good party! And what's a good fun party without invites?

Hope you all have a blessed Easter and keep safe if you travel during this time, but most importantly I hope that you all get a chance to think about the reason why we celebrate Easter....and I do not mean the bunnies and the chocolate eggs, as much fun as those may be! Pagan customs seem to have hi-jacked all of the Christian holidays, and Easter is no exception. But if it was not for Christ coming and dying on the cross on Easter Sunday all those years ago, we would not be celebrating Easter. So I just hope that as you celebrate this holy time, you take the time to think of Christ's great sacrifice, made so that we could all have eternal life.

In Romania, at least back when I was growing up, Easter was more Christ centered. As we sat at the table to share in the Easter meal we had a saying as we broke the red eggs, one person said "Christ has risen" and the other one said "indeed He has risen". 

So, my friends, Christ has risen! And hope you have a blessed Easter season.



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